Thursday, 7 November 2013

Chairman Mao's Leadership styles? Ideologies?


As a Chairman, leader of a country, he led China as a communist country but the way he manage his people was my autocratic styles. The structure and organisation of the political body resembles a lot of autocratic leadership styles.


'Communism' is what we call this the governing style of Chairman Mao in China in the 1900's. 'Communism is a theory or system of social organisation in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and received according to their ability and needs.'- Oxford dictionary. essentially, the government takes full control of the country and

How does it work?
  • The management style is designed in a way that the leader has absolute control and command. 
  • Decisions are commonly made rapidly 
  • This kind of work attitude and way have the tendency to survive under harsher, mainly competitive environments.
  • Communism mainly promotes equality in the country, everyone has the same rights to land, human rights and ownership in anything they want regardless their qualifications. 

  • More efficiency is expected as everything is commanded to do.
  • This kind of work attitude and way have the tendency to survive under harsher, mainly competitive environments.
  • Equality, in terms of properties, ownership in land etc, between everyone within the country. excluding the government 
  • It creates more jobs because everyone is equal, no one is better or more distinguished than each other, there are no unhealthy competitions going on. 

  • Minimal discussions and evaluating on what you are going to do to the community/population
  • Very little or often absolutely no share or division of power
  • "open mindedness and freedom of expression are key to promoting a progressive society, not a narrow mindedness thinking. 
  • Without competition, the country may not have motivation to become better. 
  • It is human nature to crave for power and status, this defeats the point of communism, it is hard to nurture humans to be humble and treat each other equally, its just not feasible. 

Structure and organisation: Autocracy

Within the government, the way he lead his people was by commanding them. He took full control of his people and gave no chance for them to voice out. He wanted to revolutionise his theory and outspread it to the whole of China, whoever had second thoughts or doubted his theories on how the country should be ruled shall be punished severely or executed. 

Autocracy is good for: Military, Manufacturing and Construction. 

If Chairman Mao wanted to take control over China, military strength must be superior, so in that case, autocratic was suitable for his use. 


  • Full command/control of your followers 
  • Awareness of every move taken from your followers
  • Everything follows the leaders ideal way 
  • Decision is made fast as no one has the right to argue with the leader.
  • You can easily survive under competitive environments. 
  • More motivation for the leader because everything is according to him/her, making them satisfied and somewhat happy. 


  • Some decisions may not be good as it is only from one person's point of view. 
  • No creativity
  • Lack of new, fresh innovations and ideas 
  • Could have lack of motivation for the followers.

In the end, people still rated his leadership a ratio of good to bad as 7:3. 



  1. Some people said his leadership was a disaster and what he did for China was destroying the country. But in everything there are pros and cons, the ratio good to bad is 7:3, this means that there must be some good things that happened while he has power over china. I personally think that autocratic leadership style was the way to go as the population was so dense and the situation in China was bad, messy and miserable, the only way to take control and improve China was to take full control. Maybe after China is stable, he could change his management and leadership styles.

  2. I see.. I think it was cruel and bad too...
